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Biljana Borzan: Tragično je gledati ljude koji se mole za ograničavanje prava ženama

Biljana Borzan: Tragično je gledati ljude koji se mole za ograničavanje prava ženama

Potpredsjednica SDP-a i hrvatska eurozastupnica Biljana Borzan izjavila je u subotu kako ne želi da Hrvatska, poput Poljske, bude tema rasprave u Europskom parlamentu zbog ograničavanja prava žena te kako SDP ne želi da se u Hrvatskoj ponovi “poljski scenarij”.

Na konferenciji za novinare, ispred osječke konkatedrale Sv. Petra i Pavla, gdje je u tom trenutku klečeći molila skupina građana, Borzan je kazala kako je “tragično gledati ljude koji se mole za ograničavanje prava ženama”.

Foto: Matija Milanovic/PIXSELL

“U ovoj zemlji ima toliko toga zbog čega se ljudi mogu moliti, od toga da nemamo lopovsku vladu, da nemamo korupciju i ovakvu krizu, a mi imamo situaciju da ljudi mole za ograničavanje prava žena, koje čine više od polovice stanovništva Hrvatske”, kazala je Borzan ocijenivši kako se takve poruke inače mogu čuti na ulicama Afganistana i Irana.

Iako se, kako kaže, u Osijeku danas okupila šačica ljudi, Borzan ističe kako je SDP odlučio reagirati, jer je u Poljskoj u početku relativno mali broj ljudi krenuo s idejama ograničavanja prava žena, ali je na kraju to završilo s prijedlogom poljske Vlade za ekstreman zakon koji ženama brani pobačaj, čak i kada im je život ugrožen.

Foto: Matija Milanovic/PIXSELL

Tek nakon reakcije Europskog parlamenta poljska Vlada povukla je tako rigorozan zakonski prijedlog, i donijela ne baš toliko strog zakon. Ne bih voljela da moja domovina bude na dnevnom redu Europskog parlamenta, zbog toga što situacija s pravima žena zbog takvih poruka eskalira, dodala je.


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Biljana Borzan: Tragično je gledati ljude koji se mole za ograničavanje prava ženama

Biljana Borzan is a Croatian Member of the European Parliament, representing the Social Democratic Party of Croatia. With a strong emphasis on women’s rights, Borzan has made a name for herself as a dedicated advocate for gender equality and has been a vocal opponent of any attempts to limit women’s rights.

In a recent interview, Borzan shared her disappointment at the current climate surrounding women’s rights in some areas of Croatia. She expressed her frustration with those who pray for the restriction of women’s rights, calling it “tragic” to witness.

Borzan has been an outspoken supporter of women’s right to choose, including access to safe and legal abortions. She believes that women should have control over their own bodies and be free to make their own decisions about their lives.

Despite her efforts and those of many other activists, women’s rights are still under threat in Croatia. Recently, conservative groups have been attempting to limit the reproductive rights of women by pushing for stricter abortion laws.

Borzan has been tirelessly fighting against these regressive policies, but she knows that more needs to be done. She has called on the Croatian government to take a stronger stance on women’s rights and to prioritize the issue in their policies.

As a member of the European Parliament, Borzan has also advocated for women’s rights at the European level. She has supported initiatives to increase women’s representation in politics and has fought against gender-based violence.

Borzan’s dedication to women’s rights is a welcome breath of fresh air in a world where women’s rights are often under threat. By standing up for what she believes in, she is setting an example for women everywhere to fight for their rights and demand that their voices be heard.

It is essential that we continue to support advocates like Borzan who are working tirelessly to make the world a better place for women. Only by working together can we overcome the obstacles standing in the way of gender equality and create a more just and equal society.

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