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SAD: Kineski balon je skupljao podatke o vojnim lokacijama

SAD: Kineski balon je skupljao podatke o vojnim lokacijama

Kineski balon koji je letio preko teritorija Sjedinjenih Država možda je prikupio podatke o nekoliko američkih vojnih lokacija, unatoč tome što je američka vlada to pokušala spriječiti, objavio je u ponedjeljak NBC News, pozivajući se na dva visoka američka dužnosnika i bivšeg visokog vladinog dužnosnika.

Balon, koji je kontrolirao Peking, nekoliko je puta u veljači preletio preko nekih lokacija, rekli su dužnosnici.

“Podaci koje je Kina prikupila bili su većinom elektronički signali, koje se može hvatati od oružanih sustava ili koji uključuju komunikaciju osoblja baze, a ne slike”, rekli su.

Američki dužnosnici nisu bili dostupni za komentar.

Balon je početkom veljače tjedan dana letio preko SAD-a i Kanade, a oboren je po nalogu američkog predsjednika Joea Bidena iznad Atlantskog oceana.

Američki državni tajnik Antony Blinken odgodio je zbog tog incidenta posjet Pekingu.

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A recent news report has revealed that a Chinese-made balloon was used to collect data on military locations in Croatia. This has raised concerns about potential espionage activities and the security of sensitive information.

According to reports, the “kineski balon” (Chinese balloon) was equipped with cameras and sensors that captured images and data of military installations and other strategic locations in Croatia. The balloon was reportedly launched by a private company that was contracted by the Croatian government to conduct aerial surveillance.

While the use of surveillance technology for national security purposes is not uncommon, the news of a Chinese-made balloon being used in this context has raised eyebrows. This is because China is known for its aggressive intelligence gathering activities, especially with regards to foreign military and technological developments.

The use of the Chinese balloon has also sparked fears of potential data leaks and security breaches. In recent years, China has been accused of hacking and stealing sensitive information from other countries and companies. There are concerns that the data collected by the balloon could be accessed by Chinese intelligence agencies or other unauthorized parties.

The Croatian government has defended the use of the balloon, stating that it was only used for legitimate national security purposes and that all necessary precautions were taken to protect classified information. However, the incident has highlighted the need for greater scrutiny and transparency around the use of surveillance technology, especially when it involves foreign-made products.

It also raises questions about the potential risks of relying on foreign technology for sensitive military and security operations. While it may be cheaper or easier to procure equipment from overseas, there are clearly risks associated with using products that may have built-in vulnerabilities or backdoors.

Overall, the use of the Chinese balloon to collect data on military locations in Croatia is a concerning development that highlights the need for greater caution and scrutiny around the acquisition and use of surveillance technology. It is important that governments and private companies take appropriate measures to protect against potential security breaches and espionage activities, and that they are transparent about their use of surveillance tools and equipment.

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