Županijsko državno odvjetništvo u Vukovaru je, nakon provedene istrage, podiglo pred Županijskim sudom u Vukovaru optužnicu protiv Vukovarca (46) zbog teškog ubojstva i oštećenja tuđe stvari.
– Okrivljenom 46-godišnjaku se optužnicom stavlja na teret da je 29. listopada 2022., oko 18:35 sati, u Vukovaru, revoltiran što je oštećenica s kojom je bio u vezi, prethodno putem mobitela odbila susret s njim, došao u dvorište njezine obiteljske kuće. U nakani da ošteti njezinu imovinu, uz pomoć oštrog predmeta izgrebao njen osobni automobil, nakon čega je prišao ulaznim vratima kuće i izgrebao vanjsku stranu – napisali su iz Dorha. Terete ga da je, kad je žrtva izašla ispred ulaznih vrata, izvukao nož i nemilosrdno je izbo. Zbog težine ozljeda preminula je dan kasnije.
Podsjetimo, prema saznanjima 24sata, u trenutku uhićenja napadač je imao 1.8 promila alkohola u krvi i bio je pod utjecajem droga.
Tužiteljstvo je tražilo i produljenje istražnog zatvora.
Najčitaniji članci
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Vukovar is a city located in the eastern part of Croatia, known for its rich history, culture and turbulent past. Recently, this city has been in the news due to a tragic incident that occurred on November 19, 2021.
The incident involved a man who allegedly scratched his ex-partner’s car and then stabbed her with a knife. The woman passed away from her injuries, and the man has been charged with the serious crime of murder.
The incident sent shockwaves throughout the local community, with many people expressing their condolences to the victim’s family and friends. There has also been widespread condemnation of the perpetrator’s actions, with many people calling for justice to be served.
In the aftermath of the incident, there have been calls for increased measures to be put in place to prevent domestic violence in the future. The Croatian government has also called for greater cooperation between police and other authorities to ensure that such incidents are identified and dealt with swiftly.
Vukovar has been no stranger to conflict and tragedy over the years, having been heavily damaged during the Croatian War of Independence in the early 1990s. Despite this, the city has since gone through a process of rebuilding and has become an important cultural center in Croatia.
The recent incident is a reminder that even in a city that has faced so much hardship, there is still work to be done to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its residents. It is a tragedy that such violence has occurred, and it is up to everyone in the community to come together to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.
In conclusion, the incident in Vukovar is a stark reminder of the reality of domestic violence and the need for greater awareness and preventative measures. It is an opportunity for the community to come together and work towards creating a safer and more harmonious society for all.